Friday, June 11, 2010 - Ripple

This week's topic for was a special one, one with a cause.

"It's hard to make ripples in oil soaked water. But throw enough stones and you will!

It's not about the politics or the corporation. It's about the animals. It's about not feeling helpless in the face of an overwhelming disaster. We're illustrators. We don't lose touch with that kid inside who marvels at the creatures who swim below and fly above the sea. We draw them. We are inspired by them. We need to help them.

The Ripple blog was started on the 45th day of the Deepwater Horizon Catastrophe. The oil spill in the Gulf is now over 50 days old with no sign of stopping. We may be too small as individuals to do some grand gesture- but together our small gestures can be grand. "

Rendered with Manga Studio Debut 4 on a Wacom Cintiq.


Red Cat Cards said...

aww... it makes me cry too......

Darice said...

I don't think I'll be able to get through the rest of these illustrations with a dry eye. This is so well done.

Matt said...

Thanks! It was a hard one to do without a couple of tears welling up. A very heartfelt illustration.

k.h.whitaker said...

awwwwwww, this is so sweet and sad, great work

Unknown said...

You captured the emotion beautifully. It evokes such a poignant sadness!

Raluca said...

I saw your illo on Kelly´s blog,
I think you really captured the feel of the tragedy we,human,create and in the same time the inocence which later(next generation?)hopefully will save os from ourselfs

MrBibleHead said...

Hey Matt! Great work... brought a tear to my eye as well.

Sally Taylor said...

Ooohhh! So sad and so wonderful! Great job!