Tuesday, March 09, 2010


This week's topic for IllustrationFriday is Brave. This first thing that popped into my head was this. The sketch and inks were once again rendered in Manga Studio Debut 4, while the colors were all rendered in Photoshop CS4. I decided to use a variable stroke pen tip in Manga Studio to try something a little different. I have to say that I loved the feel that it gave the illustration. I have always used technical pens and have double stoked my lines in order to give them weight. In addition to changing up how I would normally ink, I decided to render my colors with a watercolor feel using multiple layers and various levels of opacity. Overall, I am pretty happy with the way that it turned out.

Any day I can draw for fun is a GREAT day.


k.h.whitaker said...

wonderful, I love everything about this

k.h.whitaker said...

Thanks for the kind comments on my blog Matt, I'm replying here too in case you don't check back. I use painter x, photoshop and a wacom intuos 3. Looks like you have better toys than me, I haven't upgraded yet and I would love a Cintique but alas you have to actually have paying jobs to have one of those. LOL! I have the Manja thing you mentioned, got it for my son so I haven't really done anything with it myself. Do you really like it? Is it better for sketching?

Matt said...

Manga Studio 4 Debut does a fantastic job in sketching and inking. What I really love about the sketching aspect is that it doesn't really give you a hard line, so it allows more freedom to really hash out an image and not have to worry about adjusting the opacity later when you start your inking. It truly gives your work a blue line feel. I have the "big three" apps (sketchbook, painter 11, PS CS4) for drawing, and this one is far and away my favorite for doing this comic book / cartoon style of work. I am curious however to see what it's bigger more expensive brother might offer that this one doesn't. So in answer to your question- Yes, I love what I have seen so far.

alex fine illustration said...

I love the details in this like the toy light saber. This is just a really cool illustration!

Hemo Valencia said...

Haha, the toy lightsaber is classic! Very cool picture.

Tim said...

Cool setup Matt. Tammy enjoys her new toys (thanks to you) and is sketching now from her new mac. Thanks for placing out there the tools you use.